18 March 2011


when it is going to end???? =(

yeah....as you already know,skunk ialah school holidays start last thursday until tomorrow...but yeah, tahu2 jela skul aku cmner....ary isnin br laa aku cuti utk spnuh mse because of the additional classes organized by my lovely principal...huh!!!!mcm wat laporan dh aku ase...tu pom aku msh xdpt nk berehat dgn smhahu mahunya sbb aku trpkse mgerjakan dri aku utk mnjge kdai kkk aku hok br bkk....besides that,aku pom WAJIB mgerjakan omwek aku yg x trkire tuh....the day after tomorrow is a school day, and i'm still on9ing and still ignoring my homework that calling for me to finished them..arrgghhh!!!!dh laa lps cuti nie ad exam yg prtme bg aku lam taon nie...and i'm still on9ing..=,="....tlg laa...ssh nyer khidupan sbgai seorg plajar, you must do a lot of unfinished homework!!!! doh laaa skunk aku trpkse bercenkang mte utk jge ank sdare aku...dh mcm arang dh lingkaran bwh mte aku nie...dh jd pnda dh...tp pnda cute kan????ihihihihihh.....(mle nk prasan...)...and for your information, tomorrow my frens and i will hang out together!!!! and mse nie laa utk aku meng aktifkan tgn aku utk mniru jwpn kwn aku...ihihihi.....ok!!!!ckup stakat nie....